It’s the brand equity
It’s the brand equity
By Prasanna Acharya
Ideology acts as a light house to polity and leads to self-examination. It helps form an attitude, a pattern of behaviour and a way of life.
Polity without ideology is like a rudderless vessel in a stormy sea. As the earth revolves around the sun so also ideology shows the right path and helps the polity to gather energy from it. Without ideology we cannot even dream of the existence of polity. When polity signifies any political organisation or a body of people organised under a system of government, ideology is bound to rule that organisation or body of people.
Ideology acts as a light house to polity and leads to self-examination. It helps form an attitude, a pattern of behaviour and a way of life. Polity is bound to lose its credibility when it is devoid of ideology. If we cast a bird’s eyeview on the world history, great revolutions and political movements, we can very well see the influence of ideology on them. No movement or revolution is possible without a firm commitment to ideology.
Ideology has no friends and foes. It treats all as equal. For the establishment of ideology, Lord Rama had to abandon Sita. Though Pandavs were five in number, against the 100 Kauravas, they were able to attain the victory after the great war of Kurukshetra because of their firm commitment to their ideology, which is satya and dharma. In the modern times also, we can find numerous such examples during freedom struggle and after, where ideology determined the world of polity.
No movement or revolution is possible without a firm commitment to ideology.
The path away from ideology is suicidal for polity and harmful for both the individual in particular and the nation in general. When individual drifts away from ideology he cannot discriminate between good and evil and is bound to be dominated by base instincts. Ideology sublimates these instincts and facilitates the values to grow in the individual, which is complementary in polity.
Ideology works as a binding force where individual interests are bound to take back seat or else polity will be a one-man show, negating the true democratic values.
Ideology rules the world—be it human or nature—and establises a set of values. Polity being our instrument to run the society, it is bound to be based on certain hard-earned values. Even in world history people were killed in the name of ideology; great wars were also fought in the name of ideology. But ideology should not be a mere instrument in the hands of polity to come to power because gathering political powers is neither the beginning nor the end of ideology. Rather it is a means in the hands of polity to work for the betterment of humanity. It is the way to enable people to improve their conditions in every sphere of life. Political power is the way to regulate national life.
“If national life becomes so perfect as to become self-regulated, no representation is necessary,” said Gandhiji. And this self-regulation could only be achieved, if there is a complete and firm commitments of polity to its ideology. It may sound utopian but not impossible. At least, we can raise ourselves from the present state of frustration.
(The writer is a Member of Parliament, Biju Janata Dal.)
By Prasanna Acharya
Ideology acts as a light house to polity and leads to self-examination. It helps form an attitude, a pattern of behaviour and a way of life.
Polity without ideology is like a rudderless vessel in a stormy sea. As the earth revolves around the sun so also ideology shows the right path and helps the polity to gather energy from it. Without ideology we cannot even dream of the existence of polity. When polity signifies any political organisation or a body of people organised under a system of government, ideology is bound to rule that organisation or body of people.
Ideology acts as a light house to polity and leads to self-examination. It helps form an attitude, a pattern of behaviour and a way of life. Polity is bound to lose its credibility when it is devoid of ideology. If we cast a bird’s eyeview on the world history, great revolutions and political movements, we can very well see the influence of ideology on them. No movement or revolution is possible without a firm commitment to ideology.
Ideology has no friends and foes. It treats all as equal. For the establishment of ideology, Lord Rama had to abandon Sita. Though Pandavs were five in number, against the 100 Kauravas, they were able to attain the victory after the great war of Kurukshetra because of their firm commitment to their ideology, which is satya and dharma. In the modern times also, we can find numerous such examples during freedom struggle and after, where ideology determined the world of polity.
No movement or revolution is possible without a firm commitment to ideology.
The path away from ideology is suicidal for polity and harmful for both the individual in particular and the nation in general. When individual drifts away from ideology he cannot discriminate between good and evil and is bound to be dominated by base instincts. Ideology sublimates these instincts and facilitates the values to grow in the individual, which is complementary in polity.
Ideology works as a binding force where individual interests are bound to take back seat or else polity will be a one-man show, negating the true democratic values.
Ideology rules the world—be it human or nature—and establises a set of values. Polity being our instrument to run the society, it is bound to be based on certain hard-earned values. Even in world history people were killed in the name of ideology; great wars were also fought in the name of ideology. But ideology should not be a mere instrument in the hands of polity to come to power because gathering political powers is neither the beginning nor the end of ideology. Rather it is a means in the hands of polity to work for the betterment of humanity. It is the way to enable people to improve their conditions in every sphere of life. Political power is the way to regulate national life.
“If national life becomes so perfect as to become self-regulated, no representation is necessary,” said Gandhiji. And this self-regulation could only be achieved, if there is a complete and firm commitments of polity to its ideology. It may sound utopian but not impossible. At least, we can raise ourselves from the present state of frustration.
(The writer is a Member of Parliament, Biju Janata Dal.)
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