How to Protect Dharma?
How to Protect Dharma?
The solution of the problems and challenges before the Hindus, as enumerated in the preceding pages, is to face them and reverse their process as has been very clearly provided in our Shastras themselves. And the first basic principle is ''to act yourself to protect yourselves and your Dharma'.
In this context Manusmriti quotes ''Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha'' i.e. ''the Dharma protects those who protect the Dharma themselves.'' Hence the need of the hour is first to understand and realise the gravity of the situation confronting before the Hindus and Hindu Dharma. And each and every Hindu individual man, woman, youth etc. should take a pledge to understand and adopt the basic tenets of Hindu Dharma and take a vow to defend it, as ft is mandatory for each Hindu.
Further, as pointed out earlier that in ancient times, in Hindu monarchy system, the king used to defend the territory of the state, its people and their Dharma. And if need be, even the common people used to fight against the invaders along with the state army. But in the present democratic set up of our secular government, the same is not going to defend, particularly the Hindus and Hindu Dharma, in this period of crisis. Further, the existing political parties and their leaders will also not save the Hindus as they are afraid of loosing possible votes of the non-Hindus.
It should not be forgotten that the entire areas of the present Indonesia, Malayasia of South East Asia and Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Middle-east now under Islamic rule, were parts of Hindu Empires. And at present, in the remaining India, Islam is the greatest threat to the very survival of Hindus and Hindu Dharma under the name of 'pseudo-secularism' of our constitution, and all pseudo-secular political parties are actually working for the Islamisation of India.
It is therefore, the Hindus will have to exert themselves to defend themselves and their religion by their own possible means and rersources. It is the foremost duty of every Hindu towards his/her Dharma. It is because protection of one's own Dharma and motherland is much bigger than accumulating wealth alone which they may not be able to protect the same, if they failed to protect their Dharma and the motherland.
Revive Brahma�Kshatra Co-ordinative Vedic traditionThe Hindu Scriptures have also clearly laid out the 'action plan to face such a crisis and it is the pious duty of each and every Hindu to execute it. The action plan and policy is to create a well coordinated spiritual and political power by the people themselves at individual, social and political level.
In this context Yajur Veda (20 : 25) says, ''The people of a nation who acquire Brahmbal i.e. spiritual and worldly knowledge and Kshatrabal, i.e. physical, military and political power in a well coordinated manner, become prosperous, powerful and benevolent in all respect.''
So long as the Hindus followed this basic Vedic doctrine, they remained supreme, powerful, prosperous as well as spiritual leaders of the whole world and the humanity. And as soon as they neglected this principle of self-defense^ mechanism, they were overpowered, humiliated, destroyed and ruined. Therefore, the Hindus should re-adopt the same forgotten principle and acquire moral and spiritual knowledge from the Shastras and also gain all modern scientific and technological knowledge and also business management techniques; and be prosperous on one hand, and also acquire latest knowledge of military science, sophisticated war equipments and materials and practical training; and simultaneously gain control of political power of the state.
Further, these spiritual and political powers should be of high order and be well coordinated, because even excellence in one field of activity alone and negligence of the other, will not be able to serve the purpose of the people and the state. It will be like a stout blind man and a learned lame person.
Hence, the foremost need of the hour is first to understand and realise the gravity of the situation confronting before the Hindus. And then each and every Hindu should take a pledge to face the challenges and make all preparations to sacrifice everything and even one's own life, what to say of wealth and property. Let us take a vow not only to defend our Dharma, but also be powerful and make ourselves able to preach, propagate and promote our Dharma all around and protect ourselves through capturing political power which is supreme Mahabharat.
Moreover, the Hindus should reform their evil social practices, religious dogmas and complex rituals. Further, though our political parties and the Constitution, are dividing the Hindus on regional, religious, linguistic, caste and sub-caste, tribal-urban and reservation basis, but the Hindus should take advantage of the inspiring ancient cultural heritage which unites us, and make all possible efforts to unify the Hindus forgetting their religious sects, social and ethical groups etc. Strictly speaking, the Hindu Dharma does not discriminate its adherents on the basis of caste, colour, creed and sex; andthere are no traces of caste discrimination and untouchability in our Holy Scriptures.
So it is our moral and religious duty to discard casteism and untouchability as social evils developed as a part of degeneration of Hindu Dharma through thousand years of socio-political ups and downs. Hence, the first and foremost priority of the Hindus is to organise their own religious education, for all age groups, and in all different regional languages.
Moreover, for facing the challenges of Christianity and Islam, it is essential to equip ourselves with the knowledge of our religion as well as that of these Semitic religions on comparative basis.
I wish to warn each and every Hindu that they should not depend on various political parties which are committed for appeasing the minorities at the cost of the Hindus, and are working even against the national interest.
Further, in the democratic set up, the legal and administrative decisions of the government entirely depend upon the nature and composition of the governing group, and if it is pseudo-secular, it will act for the minorities, and against the Hindu cause as it has been for the last 55 years. Hence, the Hindus will have to device their own socio-religious-political setup so that they can save the Hindus and Hindu Dharma in the existing scenerio of multi-religious system.
Adopt 15 point Programme of Hindu awakeningIn view of the serious challenges before the Hindus, we have already outlined an exhaustive 'action plae' for the Hindus in one of our publications viz. What Hindus Stoufct d* with; detailed therein. In this tS^point program, some are tor immediate action, while others are of tong range nature. In brief these are :�
(1) Be proud to be a Hindu.
(2) Unite yourself and be fearless.
(3) Regain ancient glory.
(4) Discard religious superstitions and; sociaJ evils, and adopt social reforms.
(5) Oppose pseudo-secularism.
(6) Discard family planning.
(7) Hinduise the politics.
(8) Consolidate Hindu vote bank.
(9) Capture Complete political power.
(10) Amend anti-Hindu Constitution.
(11) Expell foreign Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators.
(12) Check conversion of the Hindus.
(13) Bringback the Hindu converts.
(14) Organise the religious education, yourself.
(15) Control press and electronic media.
In view of the urgency of the situation, the short term projects like, creation of Hindu vote bank; control of press and electronic media, and capturing of political power should be taken on top most priority. However, projects like religious education and socio-religious reforms etc. could be continued on long term basis.
Though several Hindu social, religious and political organisations are working whole heartedly and independently at regional as well as national level with their plans and objectives for Hindu cause. But the urgent need of the hour is to consolidate and coordinate all that gigantic work by establishing an ''All India Federation of Hindu Organisations of the Hindus, for the Hindus and by the Hindus, irrespective of their caste, creed, language, region and religious sectisand political affiliations. This organisation should be stongly united for capturing political power in all the states, and each Hindu should participate in the elections and cast his or her precious vote for the welfare of the Hindus. They should elect their own political leaders of staunch Hindu faith at all levels of Municipal, State and Central government level elections.
The driving force behind this supreme goal should be the Vedas who exhort us for the amalgamation of spiritualism with vibrating spirit of nationalism, patriotrism, valourism and chivalerism. The sacrifice of millions of our brave ancestors and martyres should be the foundational inspiration in the life of each and every Hindu Each should take a solemn Vedic oath ''I am the son of my motherland'' and I will sacrifice myself for her and I will fight with all my resources and even sacrifice my life for the preservation and protecion of Hindu Dharma.''This selfless devotion and dedication, vibrating enthusiasm and assertive mass movement will automatically lay the foundation of a new Hindu Dharma and will generate a new wave of self confidence for gaining political power and supremacy, The top most priority of each Hindu youth at present is to protect, preserve and promote, Hindu Dharma by all possible means otherwise the names of the Hindus, Holy Hindu culture and Dharma will Vanish in oblivion.
The situation of DO or DIE has emerged before the Hindus, and there is no way left out, but to face the challenges of Islam and Christianity, as this is most important for your very survival with hounour, dignity and prosperity.
posted by Inquiring Mind at 11:35 PM
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